The List of Interdisciplinary Course Program
- 實踐取向自主學習學程 (Pratically Orientated Self-Learning Program)
- 社會實踐微學程 (Micro Program of Social Participation)
- 綠色療癒微學程 (Micro Program of Green Care-Healing Power of Nature)
- 動物與社會微學程 (Micro Program of Animal and Society)
- 垂直整合專題微學程 (Micro Program of Vertically Integrated Projects)
- 程式設計與運用微學程 (Program Design and Application)
- 冒險教育微學程 (Adventure/Experiential Education)
- 人工智慧與應用微學程 (Artificial intelligence and applications)
- 合作經濟與地方創生實務微學程 (Cooperative Economy and Local Creation Practice)
- 英語基礎人才微學程 (Micro-Program of Foundation English)
- 英語菁英人才微學程 (Micro-Program of Elite English)
- 專業英語橋接微學程 (Micro Bridging Program of English for Specific Purposes)
- 商務英語橋接微學程 (Micro Bridging Program of Business English)
- 國際永續發展微學程 (Micro-Program of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs))
- 生活智慧英語微學程 (Micro-Program of English and Life Wisdom)
- 西方文學賞析微學程 (Micro-Program of Western Literature Appreciation)
- 跨文化溝通技巧微學程 (Micro-Program of Cross Cultural Communication Skills)